I have been pondering the concepts of decadence and nobility as I delve into Nietzsche's writings. Despite spending considerable time with these ideas, I still find myself grappling to fully grasp their essence. Nietzsche argues that modern decadence stems from a lack of purpose and the weakness that accompanies it. On this point, I wholeheartedly agree. Social phenomena like the rise of "alpha" and "sigma" male archetypes further underscore this notion. These concepts seem to echo Nietzsche's vision of the Übermensch the Superman. He asserts that such individuals were far more prevalent during the Roman era and other historical periods, but modern values have denigrated their traits. Still, those primal instincts linger within us, waiting to resurface.
This brings us to the topic of instincts and the contemporary idea of "connecting to our instincts." Recently, I came across discussions on this topic, even in Andrew Huberman's podcast with Dr. James Hollis. However, the lingering question for me is: how do I connect with my instincts? What challenges might I face in modern times if I choose to do so? How can I derive a sense of purpose and move forward with confident strides? And, perhaps humorously, how does one become an alpha or sigma male in this context?
The Need for Purpose
Let’s explore this idea of purpose and this intense drive to achieve. In ancient times, purpose often revolved around conquering nations, acquiring land, waging war, or simply protecting one’s tribe. However, such existential struggles have largely disappeared in the modern era. Today, our purposes must be self-created what I call “taken-up endeavors.” We now invent our missions in science, art, engineering, and countless other fields. In theory, it seems straightforward: pick a domain, master it, and conquer it. But if it were that simple, we wouldn’t be witnessing such widespread decadence.
We’ve become too comfortable in our lives, so much so that even getting out of bed or away from our screens feels like a Herculean task. Immersed in phones and digital distractions, we’ve lost the primal drive to act and conquer. I won’t generalise this to everyone, but I can certainly see this pattern of decadence within myself.
The Trap of Comfort
Our attachment to comfort is akin to being trapped in quicksand. The more we struggle, the deeper we sink. Ironically, the best way to survive in quicksand is to do nothing. And that’s precisely what many of us do: nothing. We stagnate. We wait for someone or something to pull us out. But no one is coming to our rescue. This inertia leads to depression, burnout, and a lack of drive.
The antidote? Reconnecting with our instincts. Reigniting that infinite passion and I’m not talking about passion in the sense of hobbies or fleeting interests. I’m referring to Passion with a capital P, the kind that emerges from the depths of the heart and soul.
The Pursuit
Here’s the dilemma: I might be ready to pour my passion into something, but what should that pursuit be? What is it that I truly want to conquer? This is where many of us, especially those who are self-aware, find ourselves stuck. Even when we sense the urgency to act, we remain immobilized by uncertainty. This confusion is compounded when life feels meaningless, as Schopenhauer famously argued.
Yet Nietzsche would come and slap us in the face and challenge us to push through this despair. He demands that we define our pursuit and strive for it with all our might. I haven’t yet figured out my ultimate purpose, but I spend every waking moment searching for something I genuinely want to conquer. One thing is certain: this journey is fraught with fear and uncertainty, but that’s precisely the point. It is through embracing this challenge that we become noble.
Closing Thoughts
This pursuit of purpose is not a straightforward path, and it is certainly not without its challenges. However, it is a necessary endeavour to rise above the decadence that surrounds us. The key lies in reconnecting with our instincts, finding that burning Passion, and dedicating ourselves to a pursuit that truly matters. While the road ahead is uncertain, it is in this uncertainty that the potential for nobility lies.
Friedrich Nietzsche: Twilight of Idols & The Anti-Christ
Andrew Huberman Podcast: Dr. James Hollis: How to Find Your True Purpose & Create Your Best Life